Look around you, what do you see? what is your mind thinking?
Perspective can be the difference between you recognising opportunities or closing down greater possibilities.
insecurity, self doubt and lack of ambition.
Insecurities are a significant factor behind why many people don't succeed, believe in themselves or demand more from their surroundings and environments.
Who are you defeating?.. yes you're defeating no other person but YOU!
I have spoke before about insecurities and the feeling of not feeling good enough surrounded by people smiling, while inside you are lost.. what did I do? I changed me, began to value myself and committed to venturing into who I am as Gareth McCauley.
"Sometimes you've to decide if you're going to turn the page or close the book"
Set goals, step forward, learn to look back to learn.. look back to realise your own self worth.
Did you ever value you? ask yourself that question..
Are you smiling or are you dwelling?
Continue to smile and allow this feeling within you to build and be your motivation.
Don't dwell.. DO!
As life goes on, you experience life differently each day without realisation. You meet new people, walk by a lot and maybe find out something you hadn't of known yesterday. People come into your life and people leave.. each person has a lesson for you to learn from. Be encouraged.
"Self doubt - the ultimately confidence destroyer of many human beings alive today"
If you don't believe you can do something then who will believe it for you? I personally, have had countless experiences and struggles throughout my life that have been nothing shy of a disaster all caused by the self doubt conflicted on by myself. The struggles of that thought in your head that tells you, you can't before you've began to attempt.
The solution?
Widen my limits
Change perspective to see the positives in any negative situation
To be optimist in seeing opportunity in every difficulty.

Never say you can't and never give up.
I would like to take this opportunity, to thank every person who has taken the time to read this blog and various blogs before this. "The Headspace" has been a great success and people have benefited from what myself and others have spoke about.
Gareth McCauley