Monday, 29 August 2016

Walk into an empty room


Have you ever?

Growing up and becoming an adult can become difficult at times for many people.

How do I look today?
How do I feel today?
How do I present myself today?

The fear factor of walking into a room an feeling empty has been the cause of many insecurities and feelings of dissatisfactions towards life in general. That lost and daunting feeling of walking into an empty room, have you experienced it? how many times have you walked into an empty room.. surrounded by people being mentally sad but physically happy.. a smile can hide a thousand thoughts. A society that demands you to be a certain and particular type of person, be this way and don't do that.. you will become one of them types of people.

Dare to dream, your dream will become a lost cause of what could've been.. you're only a success if you can dedicate yourself enough to get that precious C they said at a young age were you haven't even began to make life choices, travel, fall in love, meet new friends and find out the difference between a friend and an associate.. that feeling of being a failure before you've begun, feeling empty entering the door of a room filled with people who are successful, they've received their C and went onto better themselves, you wont succeed.. you'll have to pay tax, pension for when you're older.. you know all the crucial information that we aren't taught, you must just pay and ask no questions.Questions get you hurt, don't do it!

Them shoes aren't nike, do you even have a job? you should've got that C.. you maybe could've afforded them nikes.. that spot on your face do you even wash? can you not afford shampoo or our you not conditioned enough.. run away, don't stand still run.. go on its for the better!! its your personality that counts don't we all love a personality, its the hiding factor behind the looks.. oh wait your looks, you don't compare to the billboard of that 6 packed body building guy who has it all going for him just look!!.. but that C if only, that C would get you that beautiful home with a selection of cars, VIP entrance to become luxurious enough to sit beside the other successful people with that invaluable C..

throughout my life, I have like many other people you see and talk with daily faced challenges that I've had and still currently overcoming. I above gave my stance on certain experiences and feelings which I felt within myself. these are times that I have overshadowed my own negative thoughts.. not easily getting on with the demanding life we live. Through speaking out, valuing my own voice and allowing people to have their opinions of me ( which they are entitled to have) I have overcame several insecurities, barriers and that scary thought of entering a room and feeling empty with yourself. I encourage you to speak out, don't live up to an expectation that falsely exists, tare down the mask and present the real person you are. Its OK to feel empty, imagine the greatness that can come from when you start to feel full of everything..

Energy, Happiness, Motivation.

Gareth McCauley.

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