Tuesday, 19 December 2017

You can't break down, you've got to break through

Many times in life, I have broke.. I have I will admit that now.

For me, pushing yourself to breaking point has led me onto some of the best places, allowed me to be around some of the best people in the world and mostly of all... it has gave me a different perspective on what I want from this life I live. Why I talked so positivity about breaking to begin. The key within it all is simple "Don't give up, keep moving forward" it sounds simple, but in reality it can be hard to recognise at your time of breaking point that You Can.

What does it take until you break? When I reflect on times in my life when I have struggled, became drained and mentally (which I wasn't aware of) damaging myself. It indicates to me that I wasn't listening to my mind/body and what it was telling me. At times in your life you need to stop, from running yourself down and additionally making yourself worse in situations or environments you find yourself in.

"You can't break down, you've got to break through" Instagram - garethmccauley

This quote was uploaded by myself to my instagram, it reflects my thoughts and the message I am trying to get across to you. The message is this, no matter what your current situation or circumstances are they will change, they will be different through time. However you are the controller and the person who can't break down, you've got to break through. What if the change is just a day away, or even close as an hour away but you gave up? you just never know.

I said above, you are the controller. You have to ask yourself the question of - Do you believe that you can control your current situation? If the answer is yes then get on with things and start to put the right things in place, the correct decisions you've got to make.. to make the situation better. If the answer is no, then I would be also asking who has the power? the power to your emotions, what's your perspective and to consider your daily habits (which you can refer to in the daily habits blog I wrote previously) I am a true believer in optimism and the power of positivity - I believe that situations/events and circumstances can evolve into greater things, but amongst it all I can decide how I feel, see and what opinion I choose to have.

"You can't waste time. You've only got one life to live"

Imagine the luxury you would have in life, if you woke up on a daily basis and thought I only have one life to live. Or do you take life as we call it for granted? Life can be a long time or a short time, we just never truly know do we. By allowing other people to decide your life for you, you're only wasting time. Valuable time at that. The simplicity of it is how you look at it, if you take life for granted then of course you are going to break all the time, you will not feel fulfilment and most importantly for you, you will surely not live a happy life. You decide.

I have shared this blog with you, sharing some of my opinions and perspectives on life. I always say that I would love to hear from you, we can create a chat and have a conversation around anything you may agree, disagree or want to explore further. The Headspace was created as a platform for people to hear from others, ask themselves questions and give yourself space amongst your busy day to day life. To stop and acknowledge things going on in your life and around you.

Gareth McCauley.

Instagram - garethmccauley
Facebook - Gareth McCauley (Belfast)
Twitter - @gmccauley92

Sunday, 15 October 2017

You can’t waste time, you’ve only got one life to live.

You can’t waste time, you’ve only got one life to live.
Just stop what you are doing and reflect on what you’ve just read…

Time, health and living are the three things that spring to mind for me when I read that. Time is something that we have a lot of but also very little. As we go about our daily life taken for granted the time we have, but yet we never know the moment.

Health. It’s not all physical as mental is just important if not in some people’s eyes more important. When you wake up what are your thoughts? What are you grateful for? What is your perspective on life? Questions that we tend to forget but can change or affect your thinking or ways of living… I met a woman a few weeks ago and we got chatting. She had just survived cancer and lost her husband while in the process of treatment. I said “ what a great story you’ve got behind you” and she responded with potentially some of the best, motivational and inspirational words possibly. She said this “You’ve got to keep going, you won’t get far dwelling” isn’t that just incredible. 
I am motivated by people around me – friends, family, social circles. But I really do enjoy meeting knew people, ones who don’t know me by name but once we start to talk inspire we with words. This was another fantastic person with an amazing story that put the context of life into perspective for me. I myself am my worst critic - Huge elements of self – doubt that I fight on a weekly basis, Perfectionist who is someone who always wants to be better or want better, and with a past that has had many experiences that I have been hurt, angry and upset over. However I strive each day to defeat every negative factor that can influence me or have an impact on my outlook off the world.

Living to me are people who enjoy life to the full. The people who choose to be happy, adventurous, optimistic and just love the life they have. How many people do you know, who just coast through life and not do anything at all or minimal amount. They miss out on many opportunities and don’t want to better themselves. That’s the people who waste time, who don’t appreciate the moment and live the life to the potential that they can. Which person are you? Ask yourself that question.
Ways forward...
3Cs – Chance, Choice, Change. You’ve got a chance to make a choice which could change your way of living for the rest of your life.
Facebook & Instagram - Gareth McCauley

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

You are the creator of your own destiny

"Destiny - The events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future"

First question - Are you not happy with the stage in life your at present?

If not, change! To many people continue day by day surfing their way through life. I personally throughout many stages and have made references to that on other blogs in my life had got caught up doing what I deep down and honestly never wanted to be doing. However.. this feeling was temporary as my destiny was still ahead.. and it lead me onto realising what I really did want!

Motivation for Blogging

Today might not be the day, tomorrow could well be that day.. but change is essentially the driving force behind what direction you are going in. For the next few days, ask other people "are they happy with there job, lifestyles etc." and you might just get your eyes open. Yes you will because your not alone and certainly not at your final destination by any means..

That dream job you've gave up on because you've got nothing but the feeling of failure in job after job.. after job is in fact leading you onto the next path, the next test and the next challenge to say ask you a simple question - "How much do you want this". Not just a job it can be translated into many other environments.. Relationships, sports, mental health and whatever else you do with your life that requires you to continually ask yourself questions. What I am saying to you is this..

If you ever listen to older/elderly people in society, majority of them will say this. Back when I was your age I wish/I regret not doing or I should've did this when.. seems sad? yes, this could be you in years to come because you haven't took the responsibility or you haven't widened your horizons to do what you want to do with your life?
Believe this is untrue.. ask an older/elderly person and you will get this insight.

As we awake each morning we have a choice. a choice to feel happy, a choice to be motivated and a choice as to how we take on the day ahead.. not just another day on earth!!

Gareth McCauley.