Sunday, 15 October 2017

You can’t waste time, you’ve only got one life to live.

You can’t waste time, you’ve only got one life to live.
Just stop what you are doing and reflect on what you’ve just read…

Time, health and living are the three things that spring to mind for me when I read that. Time is something that we have a lot of but also very little. As we go about our daily life taken for granted the time we have, but yet we never know the moment.

Health. It’s not all physical as mental is just important if not in some people’s eyes more important. When you wake up what are your thoughts? What are you grateful for? What is your perspective on life? Questions that we tend to forget but can change or affect your thinking or ways of living… I met a woman a few weeks ago and we got chatting. She had just survived cancer and lost her husband while in the process of treatment. I said “ what a great story you’ve got behind you” and she responded with potentially some of the best, motivational and inspirational words possibly. She said this “You’ve got to keep going, you won’t get far dwelling” isn’t that just incredible. 
I am motivated by people around me – friends, family, social circles. But I really do enjoy meeting knew people, ones who don’t know me by name but once we start to talk inspire we with words. This was another fantastic person with an amazing story that put the context of life into perspective for me. I myself am my worst critic - Huge elements of self – doubt that I fight on a weekly basis, Perfectionist who is someone who always wants to be better or want better, and with a past that has had many experiences that I have been hurt, angry and upset over. However I strive each day to defeat every negative factor that can influence me or have an impact on my outlook off the world.

Living to me are people who enjoy life to the full. The people who choose to be happy, adventurous, optimistic and just love the life they have. How many people do you know, who just coast through life and not do anything at all or minimal amount. They miss out on many opportunities and don’t want to better themselves. That’s the people who waste time, who don’t appreciate the moment and live the life to the potential that they can. Which person are you? Ask yourself that question.
Ways forward...
3Cs – Chance, Choice, Change. You’ve got a chance to make a choice which could change your way of living for the rest of your life.
Facebook & Instagram - Gareth McCauley

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