Throughout the past year, you may have noticed on my Instagram, I have been posting my own quotes (@garethmccauley). These come from mainly my own experiences, listening to others, observing their movements and attempting to piece together what may be happening with them. It has been fantastic getting such supportive comments from people – mostly through “The Headspace”.
Honestly, it has actually motivated me and made me more determined to continue helping others around me – maybe you have benefited from my postings or blogs? If so, I would love to hear from you.
I would like to share with you, what goes on behind the quote that I have name this particular blog,
“If only it was easy as the quote”
My thinking is, that on a daily basis many people around the world look to others for support, guidance and inspiration. Surely that’s something we would agree on? But how many people actually look to themselves?
In recent years, I have made a much needed shift in my own mind-set. This has allowed me to think for myself and believe in who I am. It had guided me to great places, introduced me to even better people and invited some refreshment into my life. However, my journey until this point hasn’t been as easy as it may seem whilst reading the quotes, but they are an example of something that helped me get to this stage.
Quotes are good for the ‘doers’ in the world, the people who take life by the horns and make themselves a priority.
I understand that you’re probably shocked to think someone would encourage you to make yourself a priority in your life and you may be one that thinks I’m selfish for doing so in my own life. BUT I don’t want to fall short of my actions due to investing all of my energy, commitment and even time into other people and neither should you. Hence why I suggest you make yourself a priority, imagine the success you could create for yourself if you invested only half of the time in yourself, that you do other people?
If you think about it... people who often claim that you’re selfish for putting yourself first are the ones wanting you to continue putting them first.
“Take time for yourself and your own self-care”.
Life isn’t easy, we’re not always going to be happy and unfortunately that’s the reality. Some may disagree.
Before posting a quote, I have been through many different situations and perspectives. I want to ensure that the person viewing it, is relating to what I say - whether it be to benefit their motivation to think, act and hopefully see things differently. I don’t know who or how it may help, but with hope, self value and self worth, I know what I am doing, will help others.
At times, I do post others material to showcase what often influences me on a day that I may have struggled for energy whether it be physically or mentally. This is the reality of living for not only me, but most of us - not every day will run smoothly and very rare, run how we expect it to.
Keep your mind open, have the willingness to better yourself and have an attitude that will help you overcome challenges and you WILL come out on top.
Gareth McCauley
Questions to ask you –
Do you seek help in other people before helping
In what environments do you put yourself first?
Would you hold value over your own opinion?
I above, have added something new to my blog -
You can contact me to create a conversation around any of the questions I have asked
Or you can just answer them yourself, write them down and begin to think differently.
Social Media:
Instagram - garethmccauley
Facebook - Gareth McCauley
Twitter - @gmccauley92
Inspirational as always Gareth
ReplyDeleteThanks mate, appreciate it